
Our website has been upgraded and moved to a new location at (this website will remain here for historical purposes
Upcoming tournament with details below (please contact Rodrigue Bedard at racketlonquebec@hotmail.com for an English translation or further details on how to get there and where to stay in English *Note: 95% of players there
will be fluent in English, but this event takes place in Quebec so it is set-up in French):
Le tournoi
comptera pour le classement canadien
(sanctionné par l’Association Canadienne de
Le tournoi aura lieu le
1er et 2 novembre
2008 de 13h à 18h
au complexe sportif Interplus
575, rue Dufferin, Granby,
J2G 8C9
Classe A et B, simple-mixte
2 matchs assurés
Date limite d’inscription : 28 octobre
2008, 18h
Coût :
Inscription :
Richard Soucy
téléphone 450-375-2552, courriel : soucyr@csvdc.qc.ca
Pour plus d’informations sur le Racketlon, consultez
le site : canadatour-racketlon.tripod.com

Rankings have been fully updated to date from the Pacific Rim Open and a recent news article has been released on
www.racketlon.com. Some photo's from the event have been placed above.
BELOW: Photo from left to right: Dharshanna Fernando, Piumika Fernando, Alan London, Jamie Herman who participated at
the Racketlon World Championships 2007 in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

A cousin of Triathlon and Decathlon, Racketlon is the sport in which you challenge your opponent in each of the four racket
sports Table Tennis, Badminton, Squash and Tennis. The FIR Racketlon World Tour is
running for its fourth consecutive year and contains twelve tournaments including the 2007 Canadian Racketlon
Given the fact that the first international Racketlon competition was played in November 2001 and a spectacular growth
by more than 200% during the last two years (from 524 players to 1590 players from 44 different countries on the world ranking
- referring to the period from Jan 2004 through Dec 2005) we believe that Racketlon is, at the moment, the fastest growing
sport in the world.
A Canadian Tour is beginning to emerge. Along with the FIR's tournament in Toronto, others will be offered
in Montreal, Ottawa and Victoria.
View the international tour at: www.racketlon.com

1. Stephane Cadieux
1. Allison Marr
O45 Veterans
1. Horatio Pintea
Junior U21 Boys
1. Jeremy Easterbrook
Junior U21 Girls
1. Alex Bruce